Nikola Petaković




Curriculum Vitae

Personal information  
First name(s) / Surname(s) Nikola Petakovic
Address(es) Vinogradska 19, Novi Sad, Serbia
Telephone(s) 381 21 6434477 Mobile: +3864 241 99 15
Nationality Serbian
Date of birth 24.02.1973
Gender Male
Desired employment / Occupational field Translator
Work experience


Dates 2010 and ongoing
Occupation or position held  Editor in chief for publishing work of Serbian authors
Main activities and responsibilities


Selecting authors and works, editing, organising preparations for publishing
Name and address of employer Carobna Knjiga, Mike Alasa 36
Type of business or sector Publishing
Dates 2006-2010
Occupation or position held translator
Main activities and responsibilities


Name and address of employer Carobna Knjiga, Mike Alasa 36
Type of business or sector Publishing
Dates 1994-2005
Occupation or position held  general manager
Main activities and responsibilities management, commercial activites, sales
Name and address of employer    MP “MAGAZIN” D.O.O. Bajci zilinskog 2a
Type of business or sector private trade and representative enterprise
Education and training  
Dates    1988-1992
Title of qualification awarded Highchool graduate, Economy High school
Principal subjects/occupational skills covered economics, trade, business administration, commercial activities , organisation of literary events, promotions, moderator in public forum, use of multimedia for specific presentation, work with agents, going to meetings at book fairs
Name and type of organisation providing education and training Novi Sad Economy Highschool
Personal skills and competences  
Mother tongue(s) Serbian
Other language(s)  
Self-assessment   Understanding Speaking Writing
European level (*)   Listening Reading Spoken interaction Spoken production  
English   C1 Proficient C1 Proficient C1 Proficient C1 Proficient C1 Proficient
French   B1 Upper intermidiate B1 Upper intermidiate B1 Upper intermidiate B1 Upper intermidiate B1 Upper intermidiate
  (*) Common European Framework of Reference for Languages


Social skills and competences Responsible in work, able to work independently and as a part of a team, Employ humor in difficult situation, a particular skill at drawing people out and keeping a conversation moving along, … with the medium,


 Organizational skills and competencies


experience in organizing business, rich experiences in organizing large cultural events and book fairs as well as book promotions and literary evenings as moderator.


Computer skills and competences Competent in most Microsoft Office programmes


Driving licence Driving licence
Additional information Translation experience:

Translations from English:

“Enemy Invasion”, A.G. Tailor

“Meteorite Strike”. A. G. Taylor

“Alien Storm” A. G. Taylor

T. Harve Eker „Secrets of a Millionaire Mind“

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer „Your Erroneous Zones“

William Peter Bllatty „The Exorcist“

Dean Koontz „Intensity“

Dean Koontz „Hideaway“

Susan Cooper „Silver on the tree“

Elizabeth George „Payment in blood“

Sofie Anderson „House with the chicken legs“

David Solomons „My brother is a superhero“

David Solomons „My Gym Teacher is a Alien Overlord“

David Solomons „My Evil Twin is a Supervillain“

David Walliams „Gangsta Granny“

David Walliams „Ratburger“

David Walliams „Demon dentist“

David Walliams „Awful Auntie“

David Walliams „Worlds Worst Children“

David Walliams „Worlds Worst Children 2“

David Walliams „Worlds Worst Children 3“

David Walliams „Ice Monster“

David Walliams  „Midnight Gang“

David Baddiel „Head kid“

David Walliams „Fing“

David Walliams „Grandpa`s great escape“

David Walliams „Billionaire boy“

David Walliams „Mr Stink“

Radika Sangani „The Virgin“

Radika Sangani „The Virgin – not that easy“

David Walliams  „Bad Dad“

John Scalzi „Ghost Brigades“

John Scalzi „Old Man`s war“

David Baddiel „AniMarko“

David Baddiel „Birthday boy“

David Baddiel „The Person Controller“

David Badidel „The Parents agency“

Tony Bradman „The Boy and The Globe“

Dan Harris „10% Happier“

Cassandra Clare „City of lost souls“

Cassandra Clare „City of heavenly fire“

Editor of domestic literature, most famous writers he worked with:

Slobodan Tišma – winner of NIN literary award for 2012

David Albahari- worldwide known author, translated in sixteen languages

Aleksandar Gatalica- winner of NIN literary award for 2013

Baranko Dimitrijevic –  Belgrade author who writes successfully on both english and serbian language







„Medvedi spavaju zimi, a na Severnom polu je uvek zima. Da li onda Meda Buuu spava cele godine?”

Bojan, 6 godina

„Pandana je poljubila Nikoalu u obraz zato što su još mali, a kada porastu, poljubiće se u (hi-hi-hi)!”

Irena, 5 godina

„Zašto je Miša siv kao Tom, a Gliša iste boje kao Džeri?”

Luka, 5 godina
Phone: 011 311-2072
Bulevar Mihajla Pupina 10 Z, YUBC, vp, lok. 75
Srbija, 11070 Novi Beograd